


“Tim has brought a lot to the table in helping us out with the Amateur Tour but the most important thing has been his efficiency. The registration and scoring system put into place saves us a lot of time and is hassle free. Tim’s focus is set on the “value added” benefit for the golfer. He wants them to come back year after year and thrives on giving each golfer the best experience they’ve ever had.”

-Dennis and Jennifer McCormac, Golfweek Amateur Tour (3/13/16)

MSI Crab

“Knowing Tim inside and outside the classroom has been a blessing. He has helped out so much with my company, Maryland Sports Insider. Whether it be reviewing contracts and advertising agreements, or looking at different artwork for the website, Tim has been devoted to doing what’s best for my company. He offers many recommendations about the current social media trends and is extremely honest and open about what strategies to use.”

– Jared Welsh, Maryland Sports Insider (3/13/16)




“I’ve only worked with Tim for about a month now but he has shown his commitment to our product, the E-Z Over Grill, since day one. Tim and I met at the Great American Outdoor Show where he asked me to sell him on our product which led to him purchasing one for his own personal use. I knew right then and there he had an interest in what we were selling. I’m eager to see what he has to offer pertaining to our marketing and social media.”
– Nicole Buffenmeyer, E-Z Over Grill (3/13/16)